Still in pain

I can just laugh now. Should run slow and steady. Instead of that I have run quite fast… and that was just the first ultra. Definitely too fast. Result was quite nice. Can’t complain about that… but just these 8 more kilometers…

I haven’t got the idea that just 8 kilometers could make such a big difference. Painful difference. On Sunday I did recovery run. It was very slow. Haven’t idea that I can run so slow 😉 Tiredness on Sunday I could predicted easily. But Monday? Every muscle on my legs (maybe not on feets) hurts. Done 10 miles, should have done more. Was faster than day before but still slow. Tomorrow another day of training, covering probably 15 miles or more. And then rest day. Recharge… two days of training and day of before marathon…

Gels… recovery creams… that should help.

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