Sensible love…

NB Fresh Foam Bracadale

When comes to running shoes brand I’m very much in love with New Balance. Have tried many different shoe brands – Asics, Iv8, Mizuno, Saucony but still for me NB are the best. Keeping my foot where it suppose to stay, very light shoes as well. Only other brand regularly used by me is Hoka One shoes. Reason is very simple. Great shoes for ultra runs and recovery…
So, what you can get when you will combine love with practicality… You will get NB Fresh Foam Bracadale – 980. Have run just a short run in these yet but looks like it could be a contender for a Hoka substitution. Very light, cushioning big. Haven’t felt any pounding on my legs when run. But that just first impressions. Will see later… Read more

Still in pain

I can just laugh now. Should run slow and steady. Instead of that I have run quite fast… and that was just the first ultra. Definitely too fast. Result was quite nice. Can’t complain about that… but just these 8 more kilometers… Read more