What you are missing when you are sick…

It looks that end of the year will be time when IBS will be coming back. Crap… Last year I wasn’t able to spot the beginning of the RETURN and I have was still trying to race every weekend. Tried in Clonakilty, had to use toilet about every 7 km. Ended up walking with my Wife almost 20 km. When walking could avoid pit stops. Then was Clontarf where I had to DNF cause of time on the half way (couple pit stops) and had to bring my Mom and Wife to airport. Had to finish in 3:30 or under to manage that. And cause of IBS that wasn’t possible. And than was famous ‘Lock up the year marathon’ where I have spent over 20 minutes in bushes. It took me couple of weeks to put sickness back into remission. But if I would spot earlier symptoms, especially when I was running previous races or on the training sessions I could start intensive treatment earlier and probably stay out of races. Same thing this year. But now I’m little bit more aware of all simptoms. I know that remission is gone and sickness is back. Decided that I need now to stop running races. I will be training but need to be healthy again to seriously race again. For now training and medication. My last marathon run where I wanted to get 3:25 (that is ok time for me now when my body is so beaten up after whole year of running) suppose to be one in Ballina…

Still dust hasn’t settled on my crap display in New York City marathon and I was back in Ballina trying to race. Of course I have stayed with Daria and Cezary. Couldn’t miss opportunity to visit them. And still don’t know why do they like me? Mystery for me. Anyways, arrived at their house Friday evening. We had our usual catch-up chat. We talked as well about preparations to next day marathon. That day was again a long one but you cannot have it any other way if you are with Lubinski family. I was glad that I was with them that weekend… Bozena was gone again on another conference and I was still in the bad shape after New York. Week before NYC I was running in Venice and was great. So, what has happened in New York was very disappointing. I was blaming jetlag, marathon logistics and hunger. Whatever reasons for that were I needed quite ok run to bounce back. So, was really looking forward to that run. Marathon day looked more as usual run day. 6 AM woke up, light breakfast and coffee. Toilet after that and another one. Shower done. Ready to be on the starting line at 8 to have time to register, help with putting up race clock. Got my bib number, gave Daria buggy for younger one. I was ready to run. Plan for the day was to get between 3:30 and 3:25. I was feeling good. Was little bit cold and wet but that was ok. Almost ideal for running. So, after long, really long ‘speach’ given by race director – Cezary, we have started. Straight away you could see group which was going to run strong and was going to fight for a win in the race. I was somewhere behind them, at least on the beginning. I wasn’t racing that day. Just wanted to stick to planned pace and keep going. First stretch over 2 km up the park path, slightly up. All great. First turn into ‘The Hills’ of Belleek Forest. After that there is first noticeable uphill. And that was place where I felt that something is wrong with belly. But at the downhill it was ok, so I thought that I will be able to control it. All I needed to do was not to push too much on the inclines. Try to relax. But another up and another and I knew that pit stop will be needed. Will I finish first lap without stopping? Not so lucky. When finished first lap I was just 12 seconds behind 3:30 time. Not too bad. Hopping that rest of the run would be without any nasty surprises. Again long first straight and was ok. Was feeling much lighter. But again when ups and downs came I knew that guts will cause problem soon. Is that actually happening? Not even 10 km and two pit stops. Unfortunately that was reality that day. I had still 1 km to finish second lap. I was asking myself if I will be able to continue and if that is the end of the toilet visits? Decided that I will review that at the end of the second lap. But before I reach the end of that loop I knew that another ‘number two’ will taunt me in next 2-3 km. I hate that sickness. Forcing you to do plenty walks from your sofa to toilet every day. And it is getting worse when running. So, dedicated that I won’t be enjoying the run that day if I will be force to stop at least once every lap. I had still 6 laps in front if me. I had to DNF. Cezary was asking me if I maybe rest little bit I will be able to continue. Maybe but I was there to enjoy running not thinking all there time where I can stop or when I will stop. I just pulled off. And I think it was right decision. Remember when I DNF for the first time it was a disaster for me. I was grumpy for next couple of days. But now I knew that it was a good decision and cause I have already run so many marathons this year I took it quite good. I think. Didn’t make any sense to force myself into continuing that race. Lesson was learned from last year. I could go on and suffer but why? Recover and be back stronger…

That day I have spent most of my time with Daria’s and Cezary’s older son. We have played games, watched TV. I was relaxing. Daria came back late afternoon and Cezary in the evening. We have plenty of time to discuss what has happened that day. Cezary gave me his views at IBS. Was sad, not cause I have to drop out from the race but that I won’t have that nice medal in my collection. But knowing Cezary next year medals will be at least good as this year if not better…

Next day weather was horrible. Rain, wind. We were all happy that such a weather wasn’t during marathon run day before. But me finishing early haven’t seen that circumstances weren’t as good as on the beginning if the run. We couldn’t go even for a walk that Sunday, so we just sat in the living room trying to stay calm when both kids were trying to beat crap of each other. Lazy morning and early afternoon but I had to go back home and pick up our dog in the way down.

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