IBS just feck off…

Meds taken… dose increased. That didn’t help. Decided that I will need visit to the doctor. Appointment was scheduled for Friday and I’m glad that I did it. Got additional meds (strange, same dose but looks to be working better)… Now, 7 days on the new meds and after that back to regulars but with higher dose… Read more

Ulcerative colitis won this time…

Well deserved medal

Today was the worst day of marathon run I ever had. Now, I know that my UC is back. Remission has finished. Illness is in full swing (at least now I know that all problems I had on the courses was caused by me eating too much for breakfast or day before)… So, need to beat it again. At this stage I have increased amount of medicine taken, trying to schedule specialist appointment and hope for the best… Read more

DNF – shame on me

And it has happened… I had DNF under Clontarf marathon run on the 27th of December. I feel realy bad now. Especially when I can see the Facebook statuses of fellow runners who finished that marathon or the one in Portumna… Read more