
Before marathon me and my Wife we had two days pasta party to get as much carbs into body as possible (at least me 😉 )… Was trying to avoid irritation to stomach. Just in case before run I had bar of chocolate. And everything seems to be working well (was just missing my runs during weekend).

Pasta diet has finished and now can get back to my regular food. That what I was expecting to happen on Tuesday but no… I was surprised by my Wife again. There was cake waiting for me… Actually I was laying on the cake itself 😉 . Plenty of details: my run time, my shirt, even tattoos, logos. Everything was great, looked amazing. Still looking (plenty in the fridge). Tasted really good as well. That was a great surprise. Everybody in Bozena’s office wanted to try so we have cut a little of me and gave it to everybody… And diet was gone.

There was another small surprise. This time nothing to do with food. On the official website of the Cork City Marathon you can download certificate that you have finished marathon with your official chip time and Lord Mayor of Cork signature. But I wanted to write about video which I have found just above my results.

That’s finishing line and I’m running in the middle. That guy in the cap. Bozena said that I haven’t looked even tired. Maybe haven’t looked but definitely felt like that. So remember you need to look good when running cause you never know when camera will catch you…

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