4:01:43 – time I got for the trail marathon. Same route as the one at the end of the 2014. On the New Years Eve I got 4:07 but back then my IBS was in the full swing and my time was sum of me running and me spending time on the pit stops… So, I was assuming that this time I could get time below 4 hours without even trying. Oooo, I couldn’t be more wrong. But back to the beginning.
Ulcerative colitis won this time…
Today was the worst day of marathon run I ever had. Now, I know that my UC is back. Remission has finished. Illness is in full swing (at least now I know that all problems I had on the courses was caused by me eating too much for breakfast or day before)… So, need to beat it again. At this stage I have increased amount of medicine taken, trying to schedule specialist appointment and hope for the best…