I think that was the first time when I was expecting route to be more hilly than it actually was. Nice surprise. Everything started with email with document I should sign and bring with me to expo. In the email there were as well links to half-marathon and marathon route. Both led to same GPX route. So, I have assumed that same route just two loops. One thing was was just bothering me. It was said that big hill which was daunting runners was taken out from marathon route and on the GPX for half one I could see really bad incline. So, I have prepared myself for two loops with one big incline on each. That expectations but still weren’t sure about the legs after Ballina. Couldn’t say if the legs were heavy or wobbly. Usually before start I can say how I feel. It’s either crap or I’m buzzing can’t wait to start the race. Last Sunday I felt nothing. Completely empty. That was very strange. Didn’t know what to expect. All I knew is that I want just to run my comfortable pace. Knowing that body probably still hasn’t recovered from previous weekend I wasn’t trying to push too hard.
Need to know your enemy
Organisation better than in Dublin, similar amount of participants (even though it was only the 7th marathon in Nice. Nice course. Almost whole route is on the sea front. Even though route goes from Nice to Cannes supporters can go on the train and cheer because stations are just right next to the route… All positives but there is just one thing which I haven’t considered – the route. Inclines. Knowing that we will run at the waterfront I have set my mind on the flat run (according to elevation image on the web site it should be flat with just one hump of 30 metres on the whole marathon stretch. But whoever done that incline image had to be fond of the Irish ‘ish’ – from km number 23 to 28 there was a constant incline (Antibes and Cap). You would think that at some stage you will need to go down. Nothing like that. Small decline and again up (seems that sea level is higher there than in Nice). After 28 km route was flatish. Some ups some down, some flats. And again at the 36 km you had to brace yourself for another 2 km incline. Not so steep but at the end of the run it makes big difference. Route was this time my enemy, which I have ignored. Need to remember, assuming something doesn’t mean knowing. Mea culpa…