Last year about same time I was enjoying my almost 9 hours run in Portumna. Finding these 20 loops really nice. Finishing that race I’m 2nd place got me free entry to this year edition. Oh, I wish I could run same this year. Unfortunately this year I wasn’t ready. Didn’t want to forfold. So, Decided to downgrade to 50 K run. Run, not race. Can’t called it race if I’m not able to get 3:30 in marathon. Isn’t that crap? But nonetheless I wanted to participate. Even if there was another marathon next day in plans. And looks like that other one was more important. I supposed to be a pacer in Wexford marathon. Just for 4:15 but those two big hills could kill anyone. But first to first part of the weekend. Cause there was quite amount of travelling involved that weekend Bozena stayed home. Besides she couldn’t get from work early on Friday. So, I was alone. This year I decided to stay closer to Portumna Forest and rented room in the village on the Main Street. Small room but that was enough for one night. Wasn’t staying there even for 12 hours. When I have arrived about 8 PM decided to go for a walk. Just to relax, then back to room to watch game before going to sleep. But that wasn’t good night sleep. There was some party that night in the village. I have been waken up couple of times. Last time just before party ended about 5 AM. So, I wasn’t rested on Saturday. 7 AM start of 50 K and 100 K. At 6 AM I was on site starting my preparations…
3:26:55 – for now is good…
First marathon in 2016. Still not ready or at least that how I feel. But I had to try. Try myself. And besides that there was AGM after the run. So, I was on the road again, driving towards Lilliput to see my running friends and to run with them. Lilliput is not even a hour drive so early morning and into the car. Morning was actually grand, not too cold and it wasn’t raining…
Three hills…
Start loop, conquer three hills, repeat… That in short is Achill marathon. In short but there is so much more to that run…
Achill Island itself is beautiful. That can’t be ruined even by Irish Summer (especially one we had this year). Of course with bad weather it is hard to enjoy views when you there but… you just enjoy being there… So, that what we did over that weekend. Weather wasn’t too bad. Kinda windy, little bit rainy (time to time) but that was expected. Running, walking, being amazed by views. This is Achill… But for all coming down there. Remember to have cash on you… Achill has just one ATM, which is located at the beginning of the island. Yep, that could be a small hiccup. Especially when you need to use cash to pay for B&B. But what will happen if only ATM is ‘OUT OF ORDER’? And that has happened that weekend. I you lucky and need just 100 euro or less you are going to garage. Trying to purchase products for 10 euro which will entitle you to cash back option up to 100 euro. But if you need more you will need to by for 10 euro amount couple of times… Kinda funny… but not when you need cash.
Not as bad as expected
I think that was the first time when I was expecting route to be more hilly than it actually was. Nice surprise. Everything started with email with document I should sign and bring with me to expo. In the email there were as well links to half-marathon and marathon route. Both led to same GPX route. So, I have assumed that same route just two loops. One thing was was just bothering me. It was said that big hill which was daunting runners was taken out from marathon route and on the GPX for half one I could see really bad incline. So, I have prepared myself for two loops with one big incline on each. That expectations but still weren’t sure about the legs after Ballina. Couldn’t say if the legs were heavy or wobbly. Usually before start I can say how I feel. It’s either crap or I’m buzzing can’t wait to start the race. Last Sunday I felt nothing. Completely empty. That was very strange. Didn’t know what to expect. All I knew is that I want just to run my comfortable pace. Knowing that body probably still hasn’t recovered from previous weekend I wasn’t trying to push too hard.
I’m pacing…
It took me some and training to start running with the same pace whole way through trainings and marathon runs. It’s a simple as you would think. Keeping same pace through 42.2 km distance is quite demanding but doable. Anyway, since before Dublin marathon I wanted to try and pace runners in the race. Wasn’t lucky with Dublin but knew that it will happen for me. I have sent emails to organizators of 2015 marathons in Dublin, Toronto, Liverpool, Prague and Berlin. All emails I have sent at least 8 months before the race day… And you would think that would be enough but not. Got reply straight away from Berlin and Dublin that they have their pacers team sorted out. First positive reply I got was from Toronto. Unfortunatelly, at the time of email arrival we have already decided that taking a week of during stay in Toronto will take too much days from our holiday days ‘budget’. But that was the first yes. Then came Liverpool and reply that they will be putting together team in the beginning of 2015 and that they will give me a shout if I will be included. Still, maybe. And there was a no from Prague. They put me on to the reserve list. And… after asking them again some time that I got reply that I’m in and they just working out a time for me. After couple of email here and back I ended up as 4 hours pacer in Volkswagen Prague Marathon 2015. Nice… I know, that I will be required to wear Adidas gear (hopefully shoes will be ok) cause they are main sponsor for the race…
First big one
It took me little longer to sit down and write that post. Don’t know really why. I think I had to digest the whole experience of Dublin City Marathon. That event was totally different from these which I have already participated in. Almost 15 000 runners from all over the world, huge crowd of supporters and buzzing atmosphere of something special. You could feel excitement of each and every runner before the race. When passing by people preparing themselves for run you could overhear the on versatile about running tactics or just how fun it would be to run in Dublin Marathon. I think all runners where aware that we will have the honour to run with Tony Managan, who was just finishing his 4 years running journey around the world. Tony started in Dublin and run over 50 000 km to finish his run in place where everything has started. Me, Bozena and Cezary were able to talk to Tony for couple of minutes and congratulate him his accomplishment. At the end of the conversation he just smiled, said thank you and went back to TV stand give interview to Irish National TV station. Looking at Tony I was reminded that running is and always should be a pleasure and fun. You don’t need to try out get your PB everything you run. You don’t need fancy, special gear. Worn shoes, t-shirt, shorts would do…
Our friend Cezary was staying with us, so three of us headed to Dublin in the morning of the race. Just in case (and because I’m overreacting) we were in City Centre just after 7:30, with still 1.5 hours to start of the race. we went to starting line and that was when I have realised that I have forgotten my GPS watch. That was bad, really bad. I have promised to Mandy, Finton and Cezary that I will try to pace them for time of 3:30. Each of them would like to get their new PB. At the end all of them got their best results, not necessarily the ones they were aiming for but always. No watch, so I decided that we will stick to 3:30 pacers and that should get us to finishing line in proper time. That was theory, which was quickly verify. Cezary went slightly faster but I know that he can do it so I haven’t got any doubts about him getting the result. Finton decided to stick to pacer for no matter what. And I was running with Mandy. Promised her that I will try to push her as much as I can to get good result. Goal – 3:30. But straight after start I have noticed that pace needed to get that result is to fast for her. I was trying to our Mandy but knew that our time would be closer to 4 hours mark. Anyway, promise was made and for me it wouldn’t matter if result will be 3:30 or 4 hours. I had to push her, which (I hope) I did. We were running together whole marathon. Time to time I was dropping back to check how far are the next pacers (at the end 3:40 and 3:50 overtook us) and than I was going back to Mandy to push her again. When running like that I was wondering how Finton is doing (Cezary was safe in my opinion).
On the half way mark I suppose to meet Bozena to get my regular banana and flat Coke. Cause, according to plan we supposed to pass 13.1 mile mark in 1:45 My Wife thought that she missed us and that I will need to go without my ‘regulars’. But we have met, got my banana, haven’t used Coke (I just wasn’t so tired that I needed extra sugar portion). Must say that our first half was much faster and with every mile the pace was getting slower but Mandy was very brave. No giving up, go on, pure determination. We have passed place on the route where she told me collapse last time she was running Dublin Marathon (pain in the leg). That was important moment for her. She was tired but still feeling ok. Than we have been greeted by her parents and friends. She was ecstatic. New strengths. And another busy when Don Hanson (running coach) decided to high-five us. With adrenaline lever much higher than couple of minutes ago we were heading to last couple of miles (probably around 22 mile mark) where we found Finton on the side of the road putting water on his tired legs. He went with 3:30 pacer but after half way mark his legs collapsed and he couldn’t continue to run with the same pace. Anyway, from there we were running together – three of us. Me and Mandy were trying to help Finton to finish race. We were picking up water bottles for ‘watering’ his legs, saying words of encouragement. And we made it. Holding hands, we went through finishing line together, as planned. Time was not important (still both of them got their PB). Important was that we were able to help each other and go all the way together.
I will write little bit but atmosphere during the run. There was plenty of supporters on the course. That was amazing, people giving you bust of confidence with their shout for you. Sharing their water, jelly beans or fruits. Telling you that you doing great and that there is just couple of miles to go. I applaud them now and I did that during the run (crowd responded very well). Fellow runners were helping each other, giving helping ‘arm’, picking up when on the ground. But sometimes that wasn’t enough and the medical team was needed. And they were brilliant. helping anybody who needs their help, even if that was just need of extra Vaseline or extra plaster (you know what I mean). I hope that all of runners who needed medical attention are OK now.
Different experience, huge event, home city, big crowd. Have I enjoy it? Yes. Do I prefer big runs over small events? I don’t think so, at least for now. Below pictures as usual. Will try to add more from Finisherpix service if I will get these in my hands.
First consultation
So… I have decided to join the runners club. It isn’t regular athletic running club, it’s more of a trail running club. Name of this club is Trailhead – Having talked to a couple of runners about Don (owner and running coach) and his philosophy I decided that it will be the best way to go. I had to talk to Don first and that’s what I did when I was there on Sunday (assessment) and today… Now I can’t wait for results.
Pace bands
Everybody likes their own Garmins, TomToms or Polars GPS watches… I know that, just love my TomTom Multisport (actually have preordered new model recently)… but when running sometimes you focusining on it too much. You are glancing all the time, just to check what is your time, pace and you are forgetting to enjoy the run (maybe that is a little too harsh, but you are getting the idea). So where the pace bands are kicking in.