It is huge. It is ugly. So heavy that we needed neighbor to help us to bringing into the house… But, men, I love it.
Some years ago, I really enjoyed running on the treadmill. Getting up in the morning and being in gym before 6 AM when they were opening door. Then morning run for an hour. Maybe little bit longer. And then work. I always was choosing same treadmill. Setting speed and watching netflix on my mobile. I could just go… I really enjoyed it. Couldn’t understand how running on the treadmill could be boring for anyone. I know that you were running in the same spot for long but it was running. Then you could always watch movies, listen to music and don’t stop for traffic. What was really great, at least, for me was that control which you had when was running on treadmill. You were setting running speed as you wanted. So easy to train intervals, uphills, sprints. When doing recovery run there was no chance that on some point you will start to run faster and completely waste recovery session. I think that for me treadmill is a tool to get you better at running. And I like it when gym staff was referring to me as ‘our gym hamster’ 😉