Ground-hog day

Cool medals

Another day, same wind, same rain… Nothing has changed. Ohh, maybe one thing. Decided to start at 8 AM. Was checking the weather day before and it looked like same old, same old, with slightly better morning. Of course that wasn’t the case on the day… Was trying to convince Cezary to start with me earlier but Cezary woke up too late. So, I took under consideration start at 9 AM. But still wanted to have that crappy weather behind me and if there would be any chance of running without rain and wind I will take it. Besides there was still chance of me getting lost. So, running earlier more chances to see runners using proper route and follow them. Day before, tried 9 o’clock and got lost cause there was not many runners running behind me. Ok, 8 AM start. Was sitting with Cezary till 7:40. He was having his breakfast and I decided to run without him earlier… Read more

Clonakilty second attempt

First medal

And I’m back in Clonakilty… Second attempt to run marathon in here. As you probably remember last December run was postponed cause of the storm and floods. Hopefully this weekend will be better. It looks better now but not ideal. Weather forecast shows winds and rain on Friday and more winds on Saturday. But still they haven’t named the storm so maybe it won’t be as bad as two months ago. But needs to be prepared for all… Read more

Liked them…

…but it seems that somebody liked them more. I’m talking about my pair of white Mizuno Hitogami…
Left these behind after the treadmill training in changing room of Sanovitae gym in Liffey Valley Carlton. Not the first time that has happened to me (first time that pair, previously New Balance) and always were getting shoes back. Went into lost/found box. Not this time. It seems that even that they were dirty, had small holes in them, these were still very attractive to somebody. Read more