Good place to run but…


There is almost always a ‘but’… As I liked flat route and seeing Old Trafford I disliked the wrong placing of mile markers and the organization at the finishing line. Especially time needed to pick up bag you left before the start… Read more

Timing is everything

Tired selfie in Ryanair

Wanted to be in my best shape this season in late September and October. Won’t happen. I think I already got my pick for this year and it was in July. I was able to pull off b2b on the hilly course in 3:17 and 3:14. And after that it was slippery slope for me. I know that I just let myself to do things I shouldn’t. Ate too much, ate crap food. Haven’t been working on my core muscle enough. Basically I just let additional kilos to stick to my body and muscle were substituted by bad, bad fat. I never was very skinny but last year was able to put so much work that actually weight went down quite a bit and the ‘belly tire’ was gone. That cost me a lot of work but was able to do that. So, seems that now I’m just lazy and cannot force myself to do the same.
In my case weight has a huge impact on my running abilities. Every additional kilo is slowing me down. Lack of core muscle adding up to fast tiredness during the race. I never loved running. Even now I’m not very convinced that I like it (especially when results are not as I would expect). I enjoying very much when running ok race. Hate when making mistakes on the course. I’m not very talented runner. I think that all I have achieved till now was a result of work I have put into training. So, now, when training (running and diet) not going as suppose I suffer. I again need to find my Zen… Should stop complain and start ‘doing’. Last week I have tried a fruit and veg diet, with some addition of sushi. Was actually doing OK till couple of days later we started to be very busy in work. No time for lunch break (running or proper food) and I was trying just to grab whatever I could just to kill hunger. I was even able to do 24 hours fasting day. Didn’t have that in ages. But it was just 24 hours and after that I just everything what was in the fridge.
I hope that sharing with all of you will somehow motivate me to get back on track again. I know that support is very important. Thanks Theresa. Sorry, slipped a little bit with my diet but will start again and hopefully for good this time. And if food will be sorted fat will disappear as well. And when fat will disappear muscles should start to grow again. And that should give me good platform to get good times again.
So, my chain would be:
diet –> fat ⬇ –> weight ⬇ –> muscle ⤴ –> health ⤴ –> speed ⤴ –> times ⬇ –> Alan ?
And happy Alan is the ultimate goal. Of course if that would bring as well sub 3 marathon then that’s class. Read more

MUNKI for runners

Munki - top on

From hobby and passion to life style and work. Vegan Surfer is our friend for a long time now. We have seen him trying to find his place in the World. And we couldn’t be happier to find out that he is now happy and following his dream… He became vegan and moved to West of Ireland where he could catch the waves. He became expert in healthy vegan food. Usually any recipe he was posted to his Facebook page with picture of food. Something done for himself became viral. Now, after the success of his Facebook page Gary – Vegan Surfer – decided that he can prepare healthy food for his guest (yes, you can spent a nice surfing weekend in Bundoran with food served by Gary) and to create food which can fuel body for whole day of excercise… Read more