Afraid of…

Shin splint

Afraid now… After weekend run in Clonakilty I was back to speed sessions… Was glad. Looks like I was able to keep the pace set in the plan. Only disadvantage probably is me training inside, in gym, on the treadmill. But still doing my best to stay on track… Read more

Nervous wait

OK… Tomorrow, 9 AM I will start my first marathon.

I wasn’t this nervous in a long, long time. I don’t know if I will last 26.2 miles, will I get stomach cramps and how would my pulled hamstring behave… So many unknowns… I’m probably overreacting but over-thinking the run is my thing. Usually nervous before the race and on the start line but just 2-3 minutes in and I’m enjoying it again. Read more

Murphy’s law…

… “all what can go wrong will go wrong”… and it has.

On Thursday I have slipped when jogging and stretched my hamstring. Not nice. I was trying to avoid guy, who was blocking the path, ‘playing’ with his mobile in the middle of it. I diverted onto wet grass patch and slipped (I know that my lovely Wife will tell you that paths / roads don’t belong to runners, but… it just annoys me when people do not respect others on the road – whether driving / walking / jogging / cycling). Avoided falling but when trying to keep my balance I felt discomfort in my hamstring. Read more