Challenge is in the name…

Burren yum yum

and of course I have missed that. Again. Focusing my attention on the part Clare Burren marathon… Have sign in for the run without even checking route. Just knew that it will be in County Clare and that it will start in the small village. Didn’t even know the village name. I was totally relaxed before run… till I met all my friends on the starting line. Then I heard: ‘You need to add at least 20 minutes to your marathon time’, ‘It’s a trail run’, ‘You are climbing here’. Ohhhh crap. Mistake again. Haven’t done my homework again. At least I took with me trial runners and Hokas. Decided for Hokas cause it was quite dry so terrain would be hard. Choice was good. Now on the starting line. Nervously talking to other runners. Plenty of friends and familiar faces… But I was feeling uncomfortable still. Didn’t know the route, didn’t know what to expect. Decided to go with the flow. ‘What will be will be. All I need to do  is to run’. These were my thoughts. Before start Cezary just said to me not to follow the runners on the head of the whole group cause they are running just 10 K race… Read more