Rest day…

I hate that… but time to time you have to have at least one rest day. And it seems that today is that day.

I would like to run but can feel that my body need rest from running. Only exercise probably I will be able to do will be core muscle exercise but not cardio. For me such a days are like torture, I feel like somebody cheating and not doing what I suppose to do… But you can’t do anything with that. Last rest day, without running (but still with forest Via Ferrata) was Saturday week ago, so means that I was running again for 7 days without any break.

Usually I’m trying to workout my rest day to be a Wednesday. That was ok when there was no races over the weekend but now with runs usually taking part on Saturdays and Sundays I’m trying to get rest day before races. Nearest race is at the end of the month – 5 miles. I have never run such a distance, but for now… KEEP CALM AND REST…

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