How you preparing yourself for a run or training?
I bet it’s easy. Pair or runners, t-shirt, shorts, buffy (ok, you can have always two sets or maybe set with long sleevs). For the race you would probably add belt for gels, calf compressions. Am I correct?
But with me it is little more complitated. My slight OCD is kicking in. Laces needs to be in correct order. Either top outside for all or top inside and than the other shoe needs to be mirror image of the first. So, even in the shop, when trying out new shoes I need make sure that laces are ‘correct’. So, when these are not ok for my standards I will redo them before trying the shoe. Shoes, just the beginning. Next thing – running belt. I know that when running you are making sure that belt is straight. So, same amount of gels on the both sides. I’m not different in that matter but when I have used one gel and the balance if disturb I’m ready to ditch one from other side just to get same amount of gels on the right and left side (when have small pocket in the back that extra gel is going there). If I would use 4 gels, 2 flavours I would put them in the same order on both sides as well. I have three holes for gels on both sides of the belt, so if putting gels in these needs to be in the same order, same hole, same flavours (everything mirrored). Now, strangest one. Buffs, when you have any pattern on the buff and you can see clearly beginning and finish (place where that’s connected) that will go to the back of the head. But if you have buff without that clearly visible connection I’m checking place where buff has edges and these going on the sides of the head.
Last Thursday I was discussing OCD with my club buddies, they were laughing. But I’m sure that all of us have habits of doing something in particular way and sometimes that will be OCD as well. I have probably more strange habbits related to running. New ones will be added here as well.
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