Murphy’s law…

… “all what can go wrong will go wrong”… and it has.

On Thursday I have slipped when jogging and stretched my hamstring. Not nice. I was trying to avoid guy, who was blocking the path, ‘playing’ with his mobile in the middle of it. I diverted onto wet grass patch and slipped (I know that my lovely Wife will tell you that paths / roads don’t belong to runners, but… it just annoys me when people do not respect others on the road – whether driving / walking / jogging / cycling). Avoided falling but when trying to keep my balance I felt discomfort in my hamstring. Read more

Little helpers…

Usually these are helping me to get on my feet again… But not this time, today I was very exhausted. I was falling asleep after I just got my breakfast.

I think I overdid a little bit with training lately. Adding to that late hours of getting to sleep and waking up quite early just left me really fatigue. That’s not a great sign if you are just two weeks before marathon. So have decided to do the ‘off day’ today accommodate tiredness and make sure that ‘off day’ will fall just before marathon… Read more