…and I’m still alive

First Ultra and I went literally extra mile during that run… Should be very tired and wrecked after race but I wasn’t. At least not as I was expecting and not as bad as sometimes after marathons with high incline. I was amazed myself. I knew that I won’t be able to run as strong as usual on tarmac and I knew that I will be as fast so decided that I will run just run where ever and whenever I will be able. Rest will spent looking at the tremendous views. Especially that weather was so nice…

I was little bit nervous before the race. Longest distance done till date was just over 18 km and that was just couple of days before. And now was facing 51 km in mountains with almost 2000 metres incline. What to expect? Hard run. I was glad that Cezary convinced me to run earlier. Weather nice, more time to appreciate the views, smaller crowd… more freedom. And that what I felt – freedom during run. I was tired at the end. Tired but happy. Never got time to enjoy nature during run but this time was different. This time I was looking around me, got time to run and… more. Must say that almost 2000 metres of incline was scary. I was thinking if 50 km in Donade took me 4:11 will I finish Wicklow Way below 6 hours? Ohh… and I did it. Started with Cezary. Route went down slightly for first 2.5 km. Just about 50 metres down but we straight away knew that it will be a killer at the end (we weren’t mistaken). After that stretch incline of 200 metres on 2.5 km again. Down to almost to complete 0 metres at 14th km. At this stage I already got lost and came back to proper path (extra mile). 640 metres lurking in front of me. Just 8.5 km after being in the ‘valley’. Tricky slippers on the side of the mountain Djouce. So many runners slipped there and fell. I was close as well. Then down to Stoney Pass, place where we usually starting our Thursday’s training sessions. No, runners supplies. Organisers haven’t delivered these on time, so some participant were left in limbo (Trailheads made it with the their aid station). From there turn back and do it again. Just opposite direction. On the way back I was overtaken by some savage runners. They started hour after me but were able to pass me at the 30 km mark (first one). I have crossed the finishing line 5th. But 4 in front of me started at 9:30 not like me 8:30…

Time could be better but I was still very pleased. After run I got my mug and well deserved meal in Johnny Fox’s pub. Nice end to nice day.

Some pictures from Wicklow Way Ultra.

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